


I’ve added an inspiring creative workshop called Paint Your Purpose!™ for your staff. In a safe space, this workshop helps attendees turn inward, calm the chaos, explore their purposeful paths, their strengths (their Secret Superpowers) and how they can activate their superpowers for their own personal and professional growth, through Art. And NO, you don’t need to be good at art!

Using painting art for staff wellness can offer numerous benefits to employees and the overall workplace environment:

  1. Stress Reduction: Engaging in painting allows employees to unwind and reduce stress levels. The act of painting can be meditative, promoting relaxation and a sense of calm.
  2. Creativity Enhancement: Encouraging employees to engage in artistic activities like painting can stimulate their creativity. This can lead to innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, which are valuable in the corporate world.
  3. Team Building: Painting workshops or group activities can foster teamwork and collaboration among employees. Working together on a creative project promotes communication, cooperation, and mutual understanding.
  4. Self-Expression and Confidence Building: Painting provides a platform for self-expression, allowing employees to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a non-verbal way. This can boost their confidence and self-esteem.
  5. Mindfulness and Focus: Painting requires focus and concentration, which can help employees develop mindfulness skills. Engaging in art can also improve attention span and cognitive abilities.
  6. Emotional Well-being: Artistic expression can be therapeutic, helping employees process emotions and alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression. Painting allows individuals to explore their feelings and express themselves in a supportive environment.
  7. Work-Life Balance: Incorporating painting into the workplace encourages a healthy work-life balance by providing employees with opportunities for creative expression and personal fulfillment outside of their regular job duties.

Overall, incorporating painting art into corporate wellness programs can contribute to a positive work culture, improved employee morale, and enhanced productivity.

During this session, mindfulness activities will be practiced, such as specific guided meditations and breath work, before we commence with our creative activity. Attendees will be supplied with the paints and brushes to use for our session, and will be gifted their very own canvas on which they will complete our exercise and take home with them! 

Once the individual activity is completed, we will then close our session with our collective activity, to be done on one larger, shared canvas, which will be gifted to our event host.


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I’d love to learn about your school/camp/organization’s needs and how we can help you.