

I created Noko The Knight‘s “WHISPER YOUR WORRIES” bags

to help both kids & adults manage their big emotions & worries

by letting go & doing nasal breathing exercises (tactical breathing exercises).


This activity is inexpensive & easy to create!


  1. A small/medium brown paper bag
  2. Noko The Knight characters (below)
  3. Safety scissors
  4. Glue
  5. Crayons / colored pencils
  6. Your favorite NOKO THE KNIGHT® characters!


Whisper your worries coloring pages



  1. Pick your favorite character
  2. Color it in
  3. Carefully cut around the edges of the character
  4. Paste it to your brown bag
  5. Write your name on the bag


Once your WHISPER YOUR WORRIES bag is ready, you can whisper:

all that is worrying you,

all that has you feeling afraid,

all that is heavy on your heart, into the bag and seal it closed.

Those worries will evaporate inside the bag as you sleep…

Then, think of you FAVORITE place in the world, and all the cool things you see, hear, smell, touch and taste while you’re there… Mmm…

Now, breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, then breathe out through your nose for 4 counts… Do it once more…

Forget those worries in the bag. They’re going gone!

And then, you can fall asleep easy & have sweet dreams…

* Practice this exercise at bedtime every night, or as needed!

This is a sure way to help us all with our anxieties and concerns.